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Document Digitization Services

It describes the procedure of modifying analogue assets or processes to convert them into digital formats without changing your processes. Digitization makes information easier to store, access, and share.


We assist you in managing the procedure from scanning through data entry and on to the recovery of both digital and physical documents with our end-to-end digitization solutions.

Streamlining your application modernization with the Enterprise Document Service Platform

With the help of our document management platform, you can address customer experience, digital transformation, data security, and compliance from a single point of entry, enabling your staff to maintain the same working method.


With your content instantaneously accessible across platforms, an optimised user experience can help you enhance productivity and decrease errors.


Automation, when paired with workflow automation, business logic, analytics, and data security provides you total control over how to collaborate and control while ensuring compliance is upheld.

Upgrade Legacy systems.

Reduces the cost of infrastructure and administration and increases business agility. Fully secured, deployable on-premises or in the cloud, enabling compliance with data privacy laws and regulations.

Work from Anywhere.

Everywhere, including your home and workplace, is where business is conducted. Anywhere, on any device, at any time, we digitise and secure your information to allow easy information flow amongst your decision-makers.

Control with Integration.

Granular-level permissions and centralised enterprise data ownership greatly reduce human error. Set up crucial business processes and seamlessly link them to your current ERP, CRM, HRMS, WMS, or PLM systems

Key Capabilities

We have a wide range of capabilities to support you, whether you just need to locate your papers more quickly, no matter where they are kept, or you need to safeguard sensitive data and ensure that you operate following various rules and regulations.


Centralized data warehouse.

DMS provides detailed capabilities to organize data for any conglomerate or organization as a single repository. Supports bulk & automated data uploads through easy-to-use interfaces. 


Dynamic workflows

Enables automatic workflow management by providing a dynamic user-configurable workflow engine. The engine allows the assignment of roles, responsibilities & TAT for individual work steps. 


Dashboards & reports

Every user has the right to configure their dashboard information. Automated reports can be generated based on user-defined criteria


Email module

Email module allows organizations to centralize and store emails within the DMS for permanent archival, and tag them with relevant information for easy retrieval.


Intuitive search 

DMS has multiple distinct pre-organized searches for quick retrieval of information. Users can define and book-mark search criteria


e-File sets

Allows organizations to maintain file structure and document sets in digital form and enables users to create compliance reports.


Advance PDF manager

PDF manager provides advanced tools for page insertions, annotations, digital signatures, automated re-indexing, and related advanced controls.


Document version control

Maintains the historical versions of each document stored in the repository and users can tag each version with comments. Provides check-in/check-out facility for simultaneous access of documents by a team and also maintains detailed audit logs.


OCR - content-based search

OCR engine supports over 130 languages. We customize the use of OCR technology for optimal data capturing & search needs


Warehouse & file movement tracker 

Provides a five-tiered architecture to manage documents in the warehouse by log-in and log-out, co-tracking various physical documents with their corresponding electronic versions. 


Metadata management

Metadata structuring engine allows organizations to define and efficiently use/re-use metadata across organizations' information banks leading to optimal and efficient search and retrieval.


E- Signature

Allows organizations to sign documents with external parties to close deals, and contracts in secure, legal, and tamper-proof environments.

HR use case of DMS

You can organise staff responsibilities, manage employee data, and guarantee security using digitised HR records. HR Content Management can increase productivity, secure employee files, simplify administrative chores, and guarantee compliance. Use essential workflows to implement processes and approval chains more quickly.

Create job postings, efficiently manage the influx of resumés, and use workflow to aggregate feedback from internal stakeholders.

Legal use case of DMS

File storage and quick retrieval of the documents like Court records, arrest records, testimonies, and billing contracts, increase productivity and ease of operation. Optimize processes, address legal and compliance issues, manage information,  and minimize cost and risk with eSignature. Combining intelligent, flexible process automation drives operational efficiency and minimizes risk to allow staff to focus on delivering the highest possible value from contracts and legal agreements

A single, centralized repository to manage, secure, and easily access your firm's work documents from anywhere, reducing the cost of managing content with the scalable platform and distributed architecture.

Inbuild with the OnlyOffice provides a seamless user experience with the flexibility to create, edit, share, annotate and collaborate within your web solution for improved user productivity and user adoption.

Finance use case of DMS

In today's business environment, finance departments face new challenges and opportunities. A company's financial performance must demonstrate its market position, profit, and liquidity. Performing accounts payable and receivable tasks in a way that avoids errors and runs securely can only enable this.

Accounts payable can benefit from digital transformation. 

Using pre-built ERP integrations, we capture and match paper and electronic invoices with purchase orders, provide a customizable approval process and post approved amounts back to the general ledger.


By eliminating paper, clerical errors are reduced, invoices are handled more efficiently, approval is simplified, and manual entry is eliminated.

Engineering use case of DMS

Collaboration is streamlined via configurable procedures, which offer a single source of truth. A shared data platform enables workflow-driven collaboration between 3D models, BIM, CAD drawings, documents, data, and correspondence. Audit trails show that every revision has been noted and documented.


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